Shocking Footage Shows Minneapolis Protesters Wreaking Havoc on Police Precinct, Destroying Squad Cars, Looting Target


Officers with the Minneapolis Police Department were reportedly attacked with rocks and paintballs Tuesday night as protesters rioted in response to the death of George Floyd.

Video from the tragic Monday night incident shows a Minneapolis police officer pressing his knee into the neck of a handcuffed Floyd, who repeatedly said he couldn’t breathe. Floyd was pronounced dead shortly after he was taken into custody.

Hundreds of protesters gathered at the scene of Floyd’s death Tuesday night for a peaceful protest, which turned violent and destructive later in the evening as demonstrators made their way to the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct building.

Footage captured by reporters on the ground shows protesters destroying multiple squad cars and shattering the glass doors at the entrance to the Third Precinct.

According to audio picked up from the department’s dispatch scanner, officers were attacked with rocks, paintballs, and fireworks, WCCO reported. Others apparently broke into a liquor store across the street from the precinct.

Protesters continued to gather outside the Third Precinct throughout the evening Wednesday, including one individual who reportedly had a rifle and threatened to shoot police. Some shattered the precinct’s windows with rocks while others looted electronics and clothing from a nearby Target, wheeling away carts full of merchandise.

The department told reporters Wednesday that it decided to use tear gas and rubber bullets on the protesters because one of the buildings that was broken into had guns and ammunition inside.

“Today a group of individuals have convened at the Third Precinct who have participated in assaultive behavior and destruction of property. Their actions are placing people at great risk of being seriously injured,” Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said in a statement released Wednesday.

“We will continue to safeguard First Amendment speech and assembly. However, that should not come at the expense of other’s personal safety. I’m urging those who are gathering to please do so peacefully. Criminal behavior will not be tolerated,” he added.

Gov. Tim Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison discussed the protests during a Wednesday press conference.

“We certainly don’t want to see things turn violent in any way but I also think this is a pretty normal response people are giving,” said Walz. “We certainly believe there’s a right that people have to gather.”

He said he’s not condoning vandalism or violence and called on authorities to do everything they can “to deescalate the situation.”

“I would urge law enforcement to exercise restraint,” Ellison added. “I would also urge protesters to remember that they’re there to lift up the memory and give justice for Mr. Floyd so they should conduct themselves in a way that will enhance that and not distract attention away from what happened to Mr. Floyd.”

Video and pictures from the protests can be viewed below:

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Protesters” by Lorie Shaull. CC BY-SA 2.0.
















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4 Thoughts to “Shocking Footage Shows Minneapolis Protesters Wreaking Havoc on Police Precinct, Destroying Squad Cars, Looting Target”

  1. CCW

    Can you imagine a locked out shop keeper under legal threats from Ellison and other Dem thugs, watching while his shop or restaurant burns to the ground during the rioting in Minneapolis?

  2. M. Flatt

    Wasn’t there some sort of “stay at home” order because of a virus?
    Obviously, the Identity Politics of this story is much more important than public health. Yes, he probably died at the hands of the “wrong arm of the law”, and the jackbooted thug with a badge deserves his day in court to be convicted. The media goes way out their way to ignore the fact that two of the four officers involved in this incident have Asian surnames.

    This is the reason that folks who have no regular interactions with POC are scared of the so-called “black community”. If we are constantly given the image of this subset of Americans as violent, looting fools, it is no wonder that we come to the conclusion to be afraid of them. If we truly want to see “equality” for folks with a Hershey’s hued exterior, we need to play up the benefits of having then in society, and try to extinguish this sort of fit-throwing. Seriously, the “black community” needs better PR than the perpetuation of a mythos of a racial curse.

    1. John Wyllie


  3. midnitelamp

    why wasn’t the National Guard activated?
